(609) 270-1337
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Moving your household to another state is a big task. Check out our Protect Your Move Toolkit for resources to avoid common mishaps and start your new adventure. Below are free tools from the FMCSA to help you prepare and protect your move.
The FMCSA’s Ready to Move brochure features checklists for before, on, and after moving day. These tips will help you move with confidence. Download this resource for a smooth move.
Keep this FMCSA booklet handy during your move. Understand your responsibilities, including how to find a reputable FMCSA-registered mover. Be aware of your rights if issues arise.
Choose a broker or a moving company wisely to avoid delays, extra costs, or scams. Here’s what to know.
Download the Factsheet below.
The FMCSA’s Moving Checklist is a handy tool that guides you before, on moving day, and on delivery day. It helps you prepare in advance to ensure a successful move.
Download Checklist
Know what to ask your mover for a hassle-free out-of-state move. This list of questions will help you avoid fraudulent companies.
Download Factsheet
Look beyond price when choosing a moving company. Download this factsheet for important information and contacts for complaints.
Federal law mandates that interstate movers provide liability coverage. Consumers can choose between full value protection and released value. Learn about your rights if items are lost or damaged.
This infographic highlights the key differences between a moving broker and a moving company. Share it to assist others planning a big move.
Download Infographic
Call Now: (609) 270-1337
A properly licensed interstate broker, such as US Interstate Moving, LLC, is not a motor carrier and will not transport an individual shipper's household goods, but will coordinate and arrange for the transportation of household goods by an FMCSA authorized motor carrier, whose charges will determine by its published tariff.
All estimated charges and final actual charges will be based upon the carrier's tariff which is available for inspection from the carrier upon reasonable request.