(609) 270-1337
Call For Estimate: (609) 270-1337
If there is a choice, most moving companies suggest you select a time other than summer, the end of the month or the around holidays. The heaviest demands are placed on vans, equipment and personnel during these periods.
If the move can be scheduled for a time when vans and trained personnel are more readily available, we'll be better able to meet your preferred delivery schedule.
This depends on many factors, such as the time of the month, weather conditions, size of your shipment, time required to load and unload, and the direction and distance your shipment is traveling.
Our network of moving companies use computer assisted dispatch systems to track pickup and delivery dates scheduled according to the origins and destinations of individual shipments on the trucks, as well as shipment weight.
You will have the drivers number usually but please refrain from constantly aquiring their location as it will only distract the driver and prolong your shipment.
The exact cost of your move cannot be determined until after your shipment has been loaded on the trucks and weighed. If additional services are requested or become necessary after loading and weighing, additional charges will be incurred. Basic transportation charges depend on the actual weight of your goods and the distance they will travel. The total cost will include these transportation costs, any charges for Full-Value Protection, plus charges for any additional services performed by the movers at your request. These charges are based on the military/government rate schedules.
The SDDC provides an information pamphlet on military personal property moves. For information on shipment protection, please review It's Your Move Military or It's Your Move Civilian.
The GSA Federal Supply Service provides an information pamphlet on government household goods transportation. For more information on shipment valuation, please review Employee Guide: Shipping Your Household Goods.
Most refrigerators, washers, dryers and other electrical or mechanical appliances require special servicing to ensure safe transportation. Any moving parts such as motors on major appliances, washer drums and icemakers should be securely fastened for shipment. Gas appliances need to be serviced and disconnected prior to your move.
Please contact your base transportation office to determine which appliance services are paid for by the military/government and which are your responsibility.
Your household possessions must be professionally packed by the moving company.
For additional packing information:
The SDDC provides an information pamphlet on military personal property moves. For information on packing please review It's Your Move Military or It's Your Move Civilian.
The GSA Federal Supply Service provides an information pamphlet on government household goods transportation. For more information on packing, please review Employee Guide: Shipping Your Household Goods.
Certain items cannot be shipped on moving trucks. There are safety concerns, if you think there might be something that needs to me shipped that might fall into this category, please advise your Universal Moving customer service representative immediately.
Call Now: (609) 270-1337
A properly licensed interstate broker, such as US Interstate Moving, LLC, is not a motor carrier and will not transport an individual shipper's household goods, but will coordinate and arrange for the transportation of household goods by an FMCSA authorized motor carrier, whose charges will determine by its published tariff.
All estimated charges and final actual charges will be based upon the carrier's tariff which is available for inspection from the carrier upon reasonable request.